Here’s some of our cooperations with research institutes that focus on fusion.
Official Website: (en)
Tore Supra – located on the grounds of CEA (Commissariat à l’Ènergie Atomique) in the French Provence (Caderache) accomplished many fundamentals for ITER (which is being built in its direct neighborhood) und the Wendelstein W7X that was also equipped with superconducting inductors.
With 30 cubic meters plasma volume Tore Supra is also one of the larger reactors.
GT created NBI grids and source-walls for two experiments for Tore Supra (one of them being MANTIS).
Official website:
For ITER we manufactured the following NBI grid systems by means of electroplating:
1.) For IPP:
IPP test-rig ELISE (Extraction from a Large Ion Source Experiment)
2.) For Consortio RFX:
Parts for the SPIDER source (Source for Production of Ion of Deuterium Extracted from Rf plasma)
SPIDER is a full-sized ITER-source for the acceleration of H/D-plasma at 100 KV. The test-rig is located at Padua/Italy.
Parts for the MITICA-source (Megavolt ITER Injector & Concept Advancement)
MITICA is a full-sized ITER-source with an acceleration voltage of 1 MV.
This test-rig is also located at Padua/Italy.
3.) For ITER India:
Parts for the MITICA source (Megavolt ITER Injector & Concept Advancement)
MITICA is a full-sized ITER-source with an acceleration voltage of 1 MV.
This test-rig is also located at Padua/Italy.
Great Britain
Official Website:
JET – Joint European Tours – is the worldwide largest researching fusion reactor and active since 1983.
JET has a plasma volume of 100 cubic meters and total power of 38 MW (23 MW Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) from 16 sources and 15 MW electron-cyclotron-resonance-heating (ECRH)) which was able to produce a fusion performance of 16 MW in 1996 using deuterium/tritium as fuel.
Despite the heating input being higher than its output (P in/P out = 0,7) JET provided fundamental research for ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). Especially its long uptime and the usage of real D/T fuel are especially important, telling a lot about long term behavior of the materials used.
Since GT’s founding in 1985 we crafted many components for JET:
• More than 200 grid halves for JET’s NBI heater with 16 Incetors
• Some neutralizers (NBI)
• several HE 11 waveguides for the ECRH heater
• diagnostic antennas
• parts for the pellet injector
Originally JET’s uptime wasn’t planned to be more than 15 years. After more than 20 years some of its components need to be replaced.
MAST – Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak
Official Website:
MAST was designed to research spherical tokamaks and enable a better understanding of Tokamaks in relation to ITER.
Galvano-T had the honors to craft grids for MAST’s NBI heaters.
SST1 (Steady State Superconducting Tokamak)
Official Website:
The Steady State Superconducting Tokamak (SST1) is located in the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) in the city of Bhat (Gandhinagar district).
GT crafted several grid-sets following IPP Garching`s design for SST1. PVA Tepla AG who crafted the P.I.N.I.’s was our subcontractor for this project.
ASDEX upgrade (Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment)
Official Website:
Germany’s biggest Tokamak reactor can be found at Max Planck Institute for Plasma physics in Garching.
It has a plasma volume of 14 cubic meters and is therefore smaller than JET. Despite its size this Tokamak can show a remarkable heating performance of 27 MW (20 MW of its performance coming from the NBI with its 8 sources).
GT produced the grid sets for ASDEX’ eight sources, as well as components for several experiments of NBI (e.g., BATMAN, MANITU, RADI and ELISE), actively cooled Faraday screens for HF sources (the currently favored ion source of ITER), waveguides and HF mirrors for the ECRH heater.
TEXTOR – (Tokamak Experiment for Technology Oriented Research)
Official Website:
Research Centre Jülich’s Tokamak Textor has been performing since 1982. With 7 cubic meters and less heating power than ASDEX upgrade its subject is plasma research as well as the interaction of plasma and torus wall (first wall).
GT manufactured TEXTOR’s NBI grids. Those were identical IPP’ and were simultaneously developed by IPP and FZJ (KFA) and produced (IPP NI + KFA ZBB).
We also tested a variety of different crafting processes and repaired some of the Duct’s components.
Official Website:
As WENDELSTEIN 7 AS’s successor the Stellerator W7X has been built in Garching (located in Greifswald near the Baltic Sea, between Rügen and Usedom). Greifswald is one of IPP Garching’s outposts.
W7x is designed to have a plasma volume of 30 cubic meters and a heating performance of more than 20 MW (approximately 10 MW form 10 Gyrotrons (140 GHz) and the ECRH heater and also 10 MW from the NBI heaters with 4 sources).
We crafted their grids (which are identical in design to those of the ASDEX upgrade), galvanized the jet tubes and produced HF mirrors for the ECRH heater for W7X.
(The mirrors were planned, constructed and crafted in collaboration of IPP Garching with IPF Stuttgart and Research Centre Karlsruhe. Ultimately around 150 mirrors, the M3 type has a cooling surface of 1 m².). Additionally, we galvanized the inner core structures and a lot of stainless metal pipes.
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500 Mhz Cavity, Beschleunigungsgitter (NBI), Eingalvanisierte Heizleiter, Faraday Schild, Schabewärmetauscher, Thermoelemente und mehr....
Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, Komponenten durch Galvanoformung herzustellen. Hauptsächlich verarbeiten wir Kupfer und Nickel
Dünnwandige Strukturen, Galvanoformen auf Kernen, Lötfähige Beschichtungen, Reparatur von Strangguss-Kokillen, Haftende Beschichtung von Edelstählen
Wir sind seit 30 Jahren an diversen Forschungsprojekten, insbesondere aus den Bereichen der Kernfusion und der Weltraumforschung, beteiligt.